Minutes of Meeting – 18th Sept 2024





Minutes of the Finance Parish Council Meeting of Defford & Besford Parish Council held on Wednesday 18th September 2024 at 7pm in Besford Court Hall

PRESENT: Chairman I Stephens, Vice Chairman S Rees and Cllrs: P Hale, D Lamont, G Marshall and I Spiers, County Cllr A Hardman and 4 parishioners

  1. APOLOGIES were received from Cllr S Soukup and District Cllr P Middleborough
  2. CO-OPTION – deferred to November meeting
  4. Cllrs are reminded of the need to update their register of interests.
  5. To declare any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests in items on the agenda and their nature
  6. To declare Other Disclosable Interests in items on the agenda and their nature
  7. Written requests for the council to grant a dispensation (S33 of the Localism Act 2011) are to be with the clerk at least 4 clear days prior to a meeting.

Cllrs who have declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest, or Other Disclosable Interest which falls within the terms of the code of conduct, must leave the room for the relevant items.

Cllr P Hale: 21/02561 – Land at (OS 9164 4305) Harpley Road

Cllr Rees: Member of School Governors Committee

Public Participation:

  • 21/02561 – Land at (OS 9164 4305) Harpley Road – Comments were made regarding this revised application which were noted by the parish council
  • Public Transport – A request for a bus service two or three times a day was received by two parishioners.
  1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES from meetings on 17th July 2024 – proposed approval Cllr Lamont, seconded Cllr Marshall – all in favour


  1. Approval of receipts and payments to 10th September 2024 (made since last meeting)

Payments for authorisation:


  1. Account Balances:

Unity Trust Current Account: £2,237.10

Unity Trust Savings Account: £21,604.64

Approval of accounts proposed Cllr Lamont, seconded Cllr Stephens – all in favour

  1. Combining of Parishes – awaiting communication from WDC.
  2. COUNTY CLLR REPORTS – County Cllr Hardman reported:
  • WCC were just under £15m over spent for the first quarter of the current financial year, however the deficit was not expected to be so large as the financial year progresses.
  • Public Transport – following on from parishioners comments in public participation, Cllr Hardman advised that sadly, subsidies for public transport were being cut and there were likely to be more services lost
  1. HIGHWAYS & BYWAYS (to include traffic calming)
  2. PRoW – Cllr Marshall reported that:
  • Issues in both Defford and Besford were regularly reported to WCC, however the reality was that it was unlikely they would all be actioned.
  • It would be possible to use the services of the LM for some clearing however, this would have to be paid for by the parish council.
  • Lots of hedge cutting had been carried out over the summer however this had resulted in a number of signs / marker posts had been damaged / destroyed.
  • Eckington Circular Boardwalk – Communication from WCC regarding the bridge / causeway. This will be monitored over the winter months and to re-addressed in the Spring.
  • Current reports had been addressed within WCC systems and consolidated.
  1. Upton Drive – drains have now been cleared. Hopefully this resolves the flooding problems
  2. Speed Checks, Woodmancote – The clerk has been chasing for traffic data for several months. A request for further speed checks would be made.
  3. VAS Signs – It was agreed to purchase two new VAS signs for the A4104. One to be located, ideally opposite Defford Arms, however opposite Spring Bank as an alternative. One new VAS sign would replace the existing one adjacent to Brook Cottage. The clerk would liaise with WCC re installing new poles to site the signs.
  4. Traffic Calming Road Markings – the clerk would arrange for a site meeting with WCC to advise on appropriate road markings, i.e. SLOW, 30mph roundels, ‘dragons teeth’ in an attempt to slow traffic in the village. The Clerk to request WCC highways to carry out a ‘data collection’ survey, collating volume of traffic and speed. To note there would be a cost to the parish council for this.

  6. W/24/01125/GPDQ Copelands Farm Woodmancote – approved by WDC
  7. 24/00952/HP – Lincolns Farm Bungalow Rebecca Road – awaiting decision by WDC
  8. APP/H1840/W/24/3340561 – Appeal Oak Inn, Defford – Appeal allowed and permission granted
  9. APP/H1840/W/24/3337833 – Appeal Shazam, Upper Street, Defford – awaiting decision by Inspector
  10. 24/01347 – Hill View Holiday Park – approved by WDC
  11. 24/01403 – 49 Croome Road – single storey rear extension including solar panels – approved by WDC
  12. 24/01478 – 14 Lower Drive, Besford – proposed single storey extension – awaiting decision by WDC
  13. 24/01612 – Defford Motors, Upton Road, Defford – PIP for 5 – 7 dwelling on land previously occupied by Defford Motors – awaiting decision by WDC
  14. 21/02561 – Land at (OS 9164 4305) Harpley Road – outline application for 5 dwellings (incl. 1 affordable) with garages and improved access. Provision of village amenity space and footway connectivity Cllr Hale did not participate in any discussion Concerns had been raised by residents regarding the amendments


to this application which had been shared with the parish council. The parish council were unanimous in objecting to this application and comments would be submitted to WDC in due course.


  • Lengthsman – The LM continues to work in both Defford and Besford although there is a clear ‘job description’ that he must work to in order to claim the LM budget from WCC. This includes, mainly:
  • Ensuring drains, gulleys and headwalls are clear of debris (note: this may require reminding landowners of their responsibilities)
  • Monitoring overgrowth in ditches and to make the parish council aware of blocked ditches
  • Cutting out ‘grips’ in grass verges (into ditches) to ensure surface water escapes off highway
  • Ensuring road signs are clean and not obstructed by overgrowth (note: this may require reminding landowners / property owners of their responsibilities)
  • Clearing vegetation from junctions
  • Smart Water – Cllr Hale reported approximately half of the SW kits had been distributed with forthcoming Christmas events being an opportunity to promote the scheme.
  • Grant funding opportunities to be investigated
  • Hard ‘pad’ for picnic table had been installed.
  • Repairs to football nets / goals had been completed.
  • Overhanging tree / hedges to be dealt with imminently (will have been completed by time Minutes are published)
  • Maintenance / Future Requirements
  • Clerk to organise ‘banking’ up with earth / grass to new alleviate trip hazards at newly installed tables.
  • Clerk to cost up replacement benches – to replace those deteriorated and in poor condition.
  1. PUBLIC TRANSPORT / BUSES – the parish council are aware of the need for a regular bus service serving the parishes. A meeting with a representative from WDC was held prior to this meeting. Whilst they understood the concerns raised by parishioners, this is a problem not specific to Defford & Besford but affected rural villages throughout the County. The PC were made aware of other options available, for example use of Pershore Volunteer Services, community ‘lift share’ and ‘shared taxi’s. The parish council are mindful that this is not ideal, with County Cllr Hardman reiterating that this is a whole county problem and that subsidies are being withdrawn as bus services are no longer viable. Residents are directed to complete the ‘Residents Survey’ on the WDC website: https://www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/WRS24WebsiteConsultation
  2. NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN – Defer to next meeting

13. CORRESPONDENCE / EMAILS: Everything received already covered during meeting, but in addition raised:

  • Cllr Rees reported that the changes within the education system / consultation is ongoing and urges everyone to complete the questionnaire to secure the future of the school in Defford:

Pershore education planning area review 2024 | Worcestershire County Council


  • Budget / Precept Requirement 2025/26 – to be agreed January 2025

13. DATE OF NEXT PARISH COUNCIL MEETING – Wednesday November 20th 2024 at Defford Village Hall