Minutes of Meeting of 17th January 2024




Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of Defford & Besford Parish Council held on Wednesday 17th January 2024 at 7pm in Defford Village Hall

PRESENT: Chair S Rees, Vice Chairman I Stephens, Cllrs: P Hale, D Lamont, G Marshall and I Spiers and District Cllr P Middleborough

  1. APOLOGIES – none received.
  3. Cllrs are reminded of the need to update their register of interests.
  4. To declare any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests in items on the agenda and their nature
  5. To declare Other Disclosable Interests in items on the agenda and their nature
  6. Written requests for the council to grant a dispensation (S33 of the Localism Act 2011) are to be with the clerk at least 4 clear days prior to a meeting.

Cllrs who have declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest, or Other Disclosable Interest which falls within the terms of the code of conduct, must leave the room for the relevant items.

  • Cllr P Hale – Chair of Defford Village Hall Committee

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION – Nothing to report.

  1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES from meetings dated 15th and 30th November 2023 were approved, proposed Cllr Rees, seconded Cllr Marshall – all in favour
  3. Approval of receipts and payments to 8th January 2024 (made since last meeting)
  4. Payments for authorisation:


  1. Account Balances:

Unity Trust Current Account: £14,638.44

Unity Trust Savings Account: £8,729.05

Lloyds Bank Savings Account: Account now closed

  1. Budget / Precept Request – a draft budget had been circulated to Cllrs for consideration and approval which included provision to increase and build on reserves towards Phase 2 of the Church Wall, a ‘projects’ reserve, and ‘whole’ parishes roll-out of Smartwater as well as increases in general running costs for the PC. An increase in the precept to £19,650 (12.1%, and a monetary value of 30 p per month for a Band D property) was suggested. The budget was carefully considered by all Cllrs with a proposal to approve by Cllr Lamont, seconded by Cllr Rees – all in favour.

Cllr Rees reported that the entrance gates to the church would be repainted in the Spring at a cost of £265 which Cllrs considered a reasonable price.

  1. DISTRICT CLLR REPORT – A full report was received from Cllr Middlebrough and shared with Cllrs :
  • Council Tax Base – This is the amounts that are calculated for each area that are used to calculate the yield from council tax proposals.For 2024/25 officers are recommending a tax base of 52,914.22. This is an increase of 478.7 (0.91%) on the 2023/24 position.

Now that detailed work has been carried out on the tax base it has become clear that while there has been growth in the taxbase, there has been a disproportionate rise in the cost of Local Council Tax Support (LCTS), presumably as a result of the cost of living crisis (the effect of LCTS is that it reduces the council tax base and consequently the taxable capacity of the district).

  • Corporation Meadow, Evesham – Approval has been given for an allocation of £40,000 against works required to a small woodland and fencing at Corporation Meadow, Evesham.
  • Pershore Station Footbridge – The Executive Board has approved up to £500,000 towards the development and installation of the footbridge at Pershore station.
  • Planning Matters – The draft Wychavon Design Code Supplementary Planning Documents are to go out for public consultation from 8 January 2024 to 5 February 2024.
  • Details of issues relating to the Pershore Area can be found at: https://mgov.wychavon.gov.uk/modern.gov/documents/s63676/TheDraftWychavonDesignPershore.pdf
  • A new head of planning has been appointed and will be taking up his position shortly.

Paul Middleborough, The Forge, Church Lane, Norton WR5 2PS – 01905 821 732 Paul.middlebrough@btinternet.com Paul.middlebrough@wychavon.net

  2. PRoW / Footpaths: Cllr Marshall reported:
  • Upper Street – footpath repairs have now been completed
  • Upton Road / Eckington Bridge – clearance yet to be carried out
  • Fallen signage has been reported, along with the issues with signage at the diverted path in Upper Street
  • Thirty five ‘issues’ are currently ‘open’ with WCC


  1. Bus Shelter, Besford – the LM has been unable to work for several months due to ill-health but now back working. The shelter to be removed at the earliest opportunity.
  2. Millennium Green including Pedestrian Access – New signage has been received and Cllr Marshall would arrange fitting. Cllr Marshall reported that anti-social behaviour had now improved and the Green is being well used. A suggestion was made that a working party of volunteers could be co-ordinated to carry out any remedial work. A quote would be obtained for a new pedestrian access gate capable of allowing access for pushchairs and mobility scooters using the remaining CIL money.
  3. Speed Checks – a request made for the police to carry out speed checks in Woodmancote – the clerk to action.
  4. ‘Slow Down’ Signs – a suggestion that the parish council organise a competition for the children at the school to design ‘Slow Down’ posters which can be laminated and placed in problem areas. The clerk to make enquiries as to whether we would need permission from WCC.

  6. 22/02706 – Land Adjacent, Hillside, Upper Street, Defford – awaiting decision by WDC
  7. W/23/01857 – Dower House, 12 Besford Court Estate – awaiting decision by WDC
  8. 23/02133 – St Lawrence, 1 Besford Court Estate – approved by WDC
  9. 23/02180 – Wickford House, 24 Lower Drive, Besford – approved by WDC
  10. 23/02044Oak Inn, Defford – refused by WDC
  11. REPORTS:
  • Lengthsman – Cllr Lamont reported that the LM was now returning to work following a prolonged absence due to ill-health.
  1. CORRESPONDENCE / EMAILS had been circulated to Cllrs.
  • Community Legacy Grant / Rural Grant Fund – Cllrs Rees and Lamont attended an event at WDC before Christmas however it was felt that timescales for each of these opportunities were too ‘tight’ for the parish council to put together a ‘project’
  • Natural Networks – a grant funding opportunity with a more flexible timescale – it was felt that this could be a good funding source for Millennium Green – to be discussed at the next meeting
  • Besford Parish Council Vacancies
  1. DATE OF NEXT PARISH COUNCIL MEETINGS – Wednesday 20th March 2024 – 7pm at Defford Village Hall