Minutes of the Finance Parish Council Meeting of Defford & Besford Parish Council held on Wednesday 20th November 2024 at 7pm in Besford Court Hall
PRESENT: Chairman I Stephens, Vice Chairman S Rees and Cllrs: P Hale, D Lamont, S Soukup and I Spiers, District Cllr A Hardman and 2 applicants for cop-option: Adrian Coppin and Laura Peake
- APOLOGIES were received from the Clerk, Cllr G Marshall, County Cllr A Hardman and applicant for co-option Janet Robinson
- CO-OPTION – The three applications were considered by Cllrs. Janet Robinson and Laura Peake were duly elected, proposed Cllr Stephens, seconded Cllr Rees – all in favour
- Cllrs are reminded of the need to update their register of interests.
- To declare any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests in items on the agenda and their nature
- To declare Other Disclosable Interests in items on the agenda and their nature
- Written requests for the council to grant a dispensation (S33 of the Localism Act 2011) are to be with the clerk at least 4 clear days prior to a meeting.
Cllrs who have declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest, or Other Disclosable Interest which falls within the terms of the code of conduct, must leave the room for the relevant items.
None declared
Public Participation: there were no parishioners in attendance
- APPROVAL OF MINUTES from meeting on 18th September 2024 – proposed approval Cllr Soukup, seconded Cllr Lamont – all in favour
- Approval of receipts and payments to 10th November 2024 (made since last meeting)
Payments for authorisation:
HMRC Clerks PAYE |
Grass Cutting |
Lengthsman August |
Tree Works at M/Green |
Service Charge |
Clerks Expenses |
Clerks Salary |
British Legion / Poppy Wreath Donation |
Extra Expenses |
Lengthsman – September |
Hall Hire |
Share of Printer |
Street Lighting |
Service Charge |
Grass Cutting |
Clerks Expenses – storage |
Payroll Services |
Clerks Salary |
Clerks Expenses |
- Account Balances:
Unity Trust Current Account: £4,006.00
Unity Trust Savings Account: £26,747.14
Approval of accounts proposed Cllr Lamont, seconded Cllr Stephens – all in favour
- COUNTY CLLR REPORTS – District Cllr Middleborough’s report had been circulated to Cllrs, and he further reported:
- He is now on the Executive board responsible for planning may find it difficult to attend meetings
- Planning update – SWDP due to go to Inspector one all the data has been included. Inspection is expected to take place February 2025. Once it has been agreed there will be an agreed 5-year housing supply
- Consultation is on-going enabling councils to have hybrid council meetings as was the case during Covid
- Cllr Middleborough also added information that he felt Cllr Hardman would have included in his report
- Care bill increase will affect all budgets
- £9 million available for ‘on demand’ bus services
- HIGHWAYS & BYWAYS (to include traffic calming)
- PRoW – No report due to Cllr Marshall’s absence
- VAS Signs / Line Markings – It was agreed that the 2 new VAS signs should be purchased as soon possible for the A4101, cost circa £2,500 each – proposed Cllr Lamont, seconded Cllr Stephens. Cllr Spiers did highlight that care should be taken when these are sited so as not to be affected by hedge or tree cutting. It was agreed to review the effectiveness of the VAS signs before paying for any line marking.
24/00952/HP – Lincolns Farm Bungalow Rebecca Road – awaiting decision by WDC- APP/H1840/W/24/3337833 – Appeal Shazam, Upper Street, Defford – Appeal Allowed
- 24/01478 – 14 Lower Drive, Besford – approved by WDC
- 24/01612 – Defford Motors, Upton Road, Defford approved by WDC
- 21/02561 – Land at (OS 9164 4305) Harpley Road – Awaiting decision by WDC
- 24/01609 – Atalaya, Upper Street, Defford – awaiting decision by WDC
- 24/02165 – Windermere, 6 Crown Court, Defford – awaiting decision by WDC
- 24/02118 – Bowbrook House, Besford – awaiting decision by WDC
- 24/01822 – Crabbe Tree Farm, Besford Road, Wadborough – awaiting decision by WDC
- Cllrs Rees and Lamont reported back on their meeting with WDC regarding planning issues:
- A very fruitful and positive meeting with Ian McLeod and Ciaran Power was held at WDC offices. They are aware of the category 3 classification and that a move to cat 2 would not make that much difference but that it is going to be revisited. They are aware of the lack of services with only a school, church and pubs there is no regular bus service to the village.
- Our contributions are considered carefully as we are the people who know the area best.
- On Enforcement, it was stressed the need to contact them as early as possible, there are only 6 officers doing this work in the 2 districts, so they must focus on those concerns that pose a danger
first. The cost of appeals has to be taken into consideration when looking into our concerns. They feel frustrated with builders changing plans without permission as well.
- Appeals are expensive and the costs have to be considered when they arise. Officers are allocated planning requests according to their experience and the potential issues that may arise.
- We discussed the problems that may arise due to the development around the Defford motors plots with an increase in the numbers of people crossing the road.
- District Cllr Paul Middleborough suggested pushing for a 30 mile an hour section to slow the traffic down.
- We discussed a pedestrian crossing – a very expensive option.
- Lengthsman – Cllr Lamont reported that the LM continues to work diligently and responds to work requests efficiently.
- Grant funding opportunities to be investigated
- Maintenance and future improvements – Cllr Soukup reported that the trees causing an obstruction to 1 Church Close have been cut back. He has received on quote for replacing the seats on the MG, due to cost we will look at buying 2 composite seats and having them in the corners of the MG. He will get quotes for putting these in
- NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN – It was agreed that this would not be progressed.
13. CORRESPONDENCE / EMAILS: Communication has been shared with Cllrs but to include:
- WCC survey on reducing cutting of verges – this was considered by the parish council and not considered to be a good idea due to obstructions and poor visibility at some junctions, for example Harpley Road. Cllr Spiers commented on the large amount of ragwort growing and the impact this will have on wildlife and that he would complete the survey on behalf of the parish council.
- Smart water kits – 150 been distributed so far, we need to give out 200 registered to get signage. This will be promoted at the village Fair on November 30th
- A Coppin asked about getting the streetlight on the corner of Crown Lane and Main Street shrouded. At present it is in the trees and not useful. The owners of the house find that it shines directly into their bedroom preventing them from sleeping if the trees are cut. It was agreed that this should be caried out as son as possible, proposed Cllr Stephens, seconded Cllr Rees, all in favour.
- Budget / Precept Requirement 2025/26 – to be agreed January 2025
13. DATE OF NEXT PARISH COUNCIL MEETING – Wednesday January 15th 2025 at Defford Village Hall