Minutes of Meeting of 20th March 2024





Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of Defford & Besford Parish Council held on Wednesday 26th March 2024 at 7pm in Defford Village Hall

PRESENT: Chair S Rees, Vice Chairman I Stephens, Cllrs: P Hale, D Lamont, and I Spiers and District Cllr P Middleborough

  1. APOLOGIES were received from Cllr G Marshall, County Cllr A Hardman and Sebastian Soukup (candidate for Co-Option)
  2. CO-OPTION – to consider application for co-option from Sebastian Soukup (Besford) – the application had been circulated to Cllrs prior to the meeting and was fully supported by all. Cllr Stephens proposed approving the application, seconded by Cllr Hale – all in favour.
  4. Cllrs are reminded of the need to update their register of interests.
  5. To declare any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests in items on the agenda and their nature
  6. To declare Other Disclosable Interests in items on the agenda and their nature
  7. Written requests for the council to grant a dispensation (S33 of the Localism Act 2011) are to be with the clerk at least 4 clear days prior to a meeting.

Cllrs who have declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest, or Other Disclosable Interest which falls within the terms of the code of conduct, must leave the room for the relevant items.

  • Cllr P Hale – Chair of Defford Village Hall Committee

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION – Nothing to report.

  1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES from meeting dated 17th January 2024 were approved, proposed Cllr Lamont, seconded Cllr Stephens – all in favour.
  3. Approval of receipts and payments to 10th March 2024 (made since last meeting)
  4. Payments for authorisation:

  1. Account Balances:

Unity Trust Current Account: £12,917.64

Unity Trust Savings Account: £8,729.05


  1. Financial Regulations – review of Financial Regulations already circulated to Cllrs for consideration. Proposed approval by Cllr Rees, seconded Cllr Lamont – all in favour.
  2. Standing Orders – review of Standing Orders already circulated to Cllrs for consideration. Proposed approval by Cllr Rees, seconded Cllr Lamont – all in favour.
  3. Scheme of Delegation – Review of Scheme of Delegation already circulated to Cllrs for consideration. Proposed approval by Cllr Rees, seconded Cllr Lamont – all in favour.
  4. DISTRICT CLLR REPORT – A full report was received from Cllr Middlebrough and shared with Cllrs :

New Wychavon Strategy 2024-2028: This has been developed following an extensive and inclusive process involving an analysis of local needs, consultation with residents and engagement with councillors, managers and staff.

Proposed priorities and mini-vision statements are:-

PEOPLE Providing opportunities for everyone, raising young people’s aspirations and helping people to live healthier lives by improving health and wellbeing; reducing inequalities and supporting young people

PLACE Helping everyone to access a good place to live, supporting businesses to thrive and creating vibrant and accessible places by delivering affordable homes and preventing homelessness, revitalising town centres, growing our local economy and encouraging low carbon travel.

ENVIRONMENT Boosting our natural environment, cutting carbon emissions and building resilience to climate change by enhancing our natural environment, responding to climate change and encouraging low carbon travel.

2024/25 Budget & Money Plan to 2028/29 – The budget for 2024/25 has been agreed at £12,852,000 which results in a Band D council tax increase of £5 resulting in Band D council tax being £125.08. This is the first rise in Wychavon’s council tax for 6 years and reflects the challenges of increases costs and demands for services.

Second Homes Premium Following the Royal assent of the Levelling up & Regeneration Bill, Councils are now allowed to levy additional Council Tax on houses designated as second homes. Second Homes currently pay the same in Council Tax as first homes, the Bill allows a levy of an additional 100% charge (So 200% in total).

Biodiversity Action Plan The council are to consult on the draft Biodiversity Action Plan during April to July 2024. This a comprehensive document and can be found on the council’s website.

Biodiversity Action Plan Appendix 1.pdf (wychavon.gov.uk)

BA Plan_Table 3_Proposed Actions for Priority Species.pdf (wychavon.gov.uk)

  2. PRoW / Footpaths: Cllr Marshall was not present, but in his absence the following were noted:
  • Upper Street – directional post is still awaited but WCC Footpaths are aware
  • Springbank to the top – extremely muddy due to moving of building equipment and wet weather.
  • Path alongside Millennium Green towards Croome Roand – deeply rutted due to farm traffic and the wet weather. A suggestion made that stone or gravel could be used in an attempt to level it out – Cllr Rees to raise this with Cllr Marshall.


  • Path bottom of Croome Road – an electric fence has been installed to keep the sheep in but making the path impassable. Cllr Rees to speak to Cllr Marshall.

b) Upton Drive, Floodingcommunication had already been circulated by Cllr Lamont. Despite the drains / gulley being cleared there was still a problem with flooding which WCC are aware of. It was noted that this has been a long-standing issue caused mainly by tree roots in the drain and the only solution is to replace the section of drain and offending roots. It was agreed that all the drains in Defford should be jetted to clear them of the silt / mud following the prolonged periods of heavy rainfall and flooding. The clerk to action.

  2. 24/00188 – Glenavon, Upton Road, Defford – change of use of land for the keeping of horses and erection of stables – awaiting decision by WDC
  3. 24/00189 – Glenavon, Upton Road, Defford – alterations and extensions to existing garage and erection of garden room awaiting decision by WDC
  4. 24/00245 – Land Adjacent, Hillside, Upper Street, Defford – approved by WDC

Cllrs raised concerns regarding the planning process, in particular the number of retrospective planning applications from developers and a seemingly complete disregard by them to comply with the conditions in an approved application. It was agreed that we invite the new Head of Planning to a future meeting.

  • Lengthsman – The LM is now back to work and active in Deford and Besford.
  • SmartWater – Cllr Hale reported that the SW kits had been ordered for delivery towards the end of April. Discussion took place on how best to deliver them to residents and it was agreed that a couple of ‘drop-in’ sessions be organised and / or being hand delivered to residents by Cllrs.
  • Natural Networks grant funding opportunity – some ideas had been received including stepping stones, bird boxes and wildflower seed sowing – it was agreed to defer any further discussion until the next meeting
  • Pedestrian Access Gate – two quotes had been received and circulated for consideration. It was agreed that the works be offered to the same contractor who carried out the works on the main barrier at a cost of £785 plus VAT . Proposed Cllr Stephens, seconded Cllr Hall – all in favour
  • Fencing (or alternative) to rear of goal posts – Deferred to next meeting
  1. CORRESPONDENCE / EMAILS had been circulated to Cllrs.
  • Cllr Rees reported that she would not be standing as Chair at the Annual Parish Council Meeting on May, but would be staying on as Cllr.
  • Besford Parish Council Vacancies

DATE OF NEXT PARISH COUNCIL MEETINGS – Wednesday 15th May 2024 7pm, at Besford Hall. Future meeting dates: July 17th at Defford, September 18th – Besford, November 20th – Defford and January 15th 2024 – Defford